Define your clinic´s settings for faster registry:


Register stimulation and down-regulation drugs

Study participation:

Invite couples to participate in your clinic´s studies
Monitor different studies, display all involved treatments, create statistics

Planned treatment types:

Define treatment types for national registries, for displaying them in specific calendars, to know when a treatment is finished (for example "IVF", "Oocyte donation",...), etc.


With a single click, you extract relevant data from the system and integrate it into standardised letters, chart notes, and printouts.

Treatment templates:

When creating a treatment, the user will be asked if a template should be loaded in and – if chosen “yes”, a card window opens with all possible templates to choose from.
Password protected and designed together with the Omda team.

Access log:

Display the access log where log data can be seen for all users.
Possible to perform queries, filter, export to .xls.
Password protected and only accessible for clinic employees responsible for access rights.

Process signing:

Improve performance through constant validation of defined process steps.
The workflow stops, if a process step was not signed-off and the system helps the user to keep all necessary steps for a treatment process in mind and displaying who signed-off on each step.
Watch our video about process signing (external link).