Result of pregnancy
Some modulevariants use editable drop-down lists:
Other modulevariants use drop-down lists, which are NOT editable by the user.
The values need to be defined by the clinic and added by your Fertsoft representative:
Modulevariant .A is exclusively used by clinic in Sweden.
It has not editable drop-down lists for Fetus 1, 2 and 3.
If you are a swedish clinic using QIVF direkt national registry, this variant is possible to use.
The field is an editable drop-down list to register the result of pregnancy.
Modulevariant .C uses not editable drop-down lists for Fetus 1, 2 and 3.
This means your clinic has to define the values and a Fertsoft representative adds them to the list.
Modulevariant .D is exclusively used by clinic in Sweden.
It has not editable drop-down lists for Fetus 1, 2 and 3.
If you are a swedish clinic using QIVF direkt national registry, this variant is possible to use.
Modulevariant .E has editable drop-down lists for Fetus 1, 2, 3 and 4.
If you are a swiss clinic using FIVNAT national registry, this variant has to be used.