
The stimulation planning is divided in to different parts: stimulation regime/natural or stimulated cycle, drugs used in stimulation and after and planning of days for ultrasound and follicle count checks.

Tab control

Planning of stimulation, follicle count and other aspects of the stimulation is recorded in a tab control. The tab control resides in a screen view or layout that is specific for the type of treatment or cycle you are planning.
If you need to change to another type, eg. IUI to IVF, a conversion is possible and your plan is moved to the new type.

To handle the tasks you need in order to perform a stimulation, you can navigate trough the different phases found in a tab control.
The labels in the tab control are the same, independent of stimulation type.
The contents in each tab may differ.

The process steps in a stimulation is from left to right, starting with Planning, follicle count in the middle and summary to the right side.

Natural/stimulated cycle (Thaw, IUI etc)

You can select between natural cycle or cycle with a stimulation regime.

Planning of IUI or ET is optional.

Stimulation regime, fresh IVF/ICSI

Planned biopsy and stimulation regime is chosen for fresh stimulation for fertilisation with IVF/ICSI or other types with an OPU.

If the week plan system is used, planned week (year-week of year) for OPU is given. The number of planned OPU's for the selected week is displayed.

Observera att det det finns en modul för att styra vilka alternativ som skall finnas för vilken regim som skall användas.
Detta för att valet "Other" är olika i olika språk.

Modulvarianterna är:


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Downreg drug or Antagonist

Planned use of down regulation drug for agonist regime.

If antagonist regime is used, antagonist is recorded.
The information can be used in a system with templates for chart notes.