No transfer of fresh embryos
Your selection of module variant for no transfer of embryos, will display in both the ET screen (fresh) and at the Embryo development screen.
The same look as variant A before checked.
After the checkbox is set, a choice list displays where you can record the cause of no transfer.
This variant has to be used if you have a record lock function when a treatment is stopped because of no transfer.
It is possible to both lock and unlock the treatment record.
If you are a swedish clinic using QIVF direkt national registry, this variant is mandatory.
Click on Pop over button or disabled check box to set detailed information of the reason for no transfer
Select Total freeze (and reason) or Other (and reason)
The final step is to check the Check box that no transfer will be performed
This will lock the treatment record (if the settings for your clinic has this rule).
To be able to change any of the information, you need to click on Unlock.