A responsive and agile solution

The modular architecture of Omda Fertility makes it configurable to established workflows; there is no need to change the way you work. The software also enables clinics to modify the setup to accommodate the latest scientific methods and regulations.
Contact us for a demo via PGEgY2xhc3MgPSAibF9tYWlsIGxfbmV3X3dpbmRvdyIgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmZlcnRpbGl0eUBvbWRhLmNvbSIgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz5mZXJ0aWxpdHlAb21kYS5jb208L2E+ - we are happy to present our solution no matter you are a starting up clinic, an established private clinic or a public hospital!


The functionality and the user interface of Omda are configurable to a very high degree.
Many modules exist in more than one variant and can be selected or exchanged on the fly - probably the biggest advantage of this software: keep flexible and up to date to the industry´s standards.

The configuration settings are dynamic and display after re-login.