Warning for additional infection test

The list of infection tests that can now be configured for warning has been extended to cover all tests with a positive or negative indication. The following tests have been added:

- Syphilis TPHA
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- HepC Ag / HBcAg
- HBV DNA / HepB virus (Will also warn for positive infection test if set as "Detected")
- HCV RNA / HepC virus (Will also warn for positive infection test if set as "Detected")

This extension makes sure all infection tests can be configured for warning. Choosing the test in the configuration will check and produce a warning for:

1. The infection test result is missing
2. The infection test result is positive (pos)
3. The infection test expiry date has been exceeded (time-frame configurable)
4. The infection test expiry date is approaching (time-frame configurable)

Lab test expiration warning

To ensure infection tests are managed prior to expiration, a warning of expiration has been added. The warning can be set individually by the clinic to start appearing a number of months after the lab tests were last registered.

This information is displayed in Patient Management (Extended List view) and Treatments (Planning list and Extended list view):

The information is displayed in the Week Plan list if there is a patient couple with outdated or soon-to-expire lab infection tests:

A yellow warning dot highlights the treatment in the Week Plan detail:

Checking for warnings

For safety reasons, the warning for expired or about to expire infection test results can no longer be manually updated through the check-boxes.

When adding lab tests using the store functionality on the investigation workscreen or updating the test results for the couple, the warning will be updated automatically.

If infection tests are manually updated directly in the modules displayed on the woman and partner workscreens, it is possible to check if the warnings are still valid by pressing the new "Check" button in the module.

In addition to the individual checks above all patients lab tests are checked for validity each night and the warnings updated accordingly.