This module displays information from different pages (contact, woman). It is possible to update this information in a new treatment with current values by reloading.
When the treatment record is created, the basic values in the history module is copied from the Patients record.
If for example, values of a hormone test is recorded after the treatment record has been created, and this value should be stored in the treatment, you must reload the patient values.
You do this by use of the button Reload... as seen in the picture.
Same as the A-variant, except for the first tab (Preg).
20160204 OUS 4.4.1
Uppdaterat Screenshots 190201 //JW
TREATM_Stim_HistoryBaseData - all modules
Field "Check for:" (Patients::Cont_Bevakning) appears in "History & basic data" if filled out on the patient contact page
180630 TP
20190904 TP 4.9 TREATM_Stim_HistoryBaseData.D (Multimodul)
20201209 4.12.1+ TP