This module is also displayed on the thawing work screen.
Consent exist and is valid until.
Used if a generic consent is used for thaw treatments for the couple.
NO_PO 4.5 160215 MB
When there is information about the consent, the warning symbol is changed to a content symbol.
You can add a scanned picture of the consent document to the container field.
Click on the button with a plus sign.
Find the scanned document on your computer.
When the document is saved in the container field, it is very small (tumbnail size).
To see the document in larger size, a modal window can be opened.
This window can be resized and moved.
You must close the window before you can keep on with your work.
Use the window control or the button with an X to close the window.
When there is information about the consent, the warning symbol is changed to a content symbol.
You can add a document (picture or pdf) to the container field by dragging and dropping or by using the button with the plus sign.
The document can be viewed in an new window (dialogue type) for easier reading, by using the button with the arrow sign.
OBS: Använder layouten Beh:ModalPict för att visa scannad bild. Kolla att kund har behörighet.
20160307 MB 4.5 NO_STO
20210208 TP 4.12.1+ Implemented resizing of image in field "Consent_Treatment_Document_Cont"
2021-12-15 MB 4.13.1+ Support for pdf-docuemt. Larger width (parent window width) for document display window.