180913 TP https://trello.com/c/4nI7fssG
Ny bild, färdig för test: 150717 MB
Ändrat namn 20150325 AK
Uppdaterat screenshot för enlighet på sidan 190208 //JW
Updated screenshot after changes on ET pages. TO BE CHANGED ON RELEASE! 5.0+ 220712 CPU FSDEV-107 FSDEV-3516
180913 TP https://trello.com/c/4nI7fssG
TESTAS - UPPLAGD 2016022 4.5 AK
Updated screenshot after changes on ET pages. TO BE CHANGED ON RELEASE! 5.0+ 220712 CPU FSDEV-107 FSDEV-3516
180913 TP https://trello.com/c/4nI7fssG
4.5 NO_STO 160225 MB
Updated screenshot after changes on ET pages. TO BE CHANGED ON RELEASE! 5.0+ 220712 CPU FSDEV-107 FSDEV-3516
No checkbox for elective single transfer even if only one embryo is transferred.
No checkbox for elective single transfer even if only one embryo is transferred.
180913 TP https://trello.com/c/4nI7fssG
4.5 NO_PO 160317 MB
Updated screenshot after changes on ET pages. TO BE CHANGED ON RELEASE! 5.0+ 220712 CPU FSDEV-107 FSDEV-3516