Bug corrections
Correction of "add new" button in settings of planned treatment types. This button has previously been inactive, but has been corrected as is now usable for logged in users.
Oocytes added from the own thawed oocytes, donated thawed oocytes and donated fresh oocytes will not have a value in the Fertilisation method field for treatment types other than IVF and ICSI.
ToDo's not connected to Patients or Treatments will display a dialogue warning the user of the same and ask whether they want to proceed.
Corrected Automatic Freeze number button to ensure that users can't set a freezenumber on an embryo marked/sent to ET mitigating the risk of locking the embryo.
Corrected table context for the Wom ID number field in the Treatment lists to facilitate duplicate searches in the field.
Day planning page
The buttons for showing the count of planned OPU etc per day did not navigate to show the related treatment. That has now been corrected.