Bugs corrected in Patient component
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to add a new patient when there were no patients in the database.
Corrected an issue where the storage information of cryo cane did not transfer from the identified patient record to the anonymous donor record in case of an oocyte donation.
The check of the validity of the patients infection has been transferred from the supporting system ivfServices to LinnéFiler. The new system lacked some code parts in release 4.13 that now has been added. The check performed by ivfServices still worked as before and the switch to the new model can be made from this correction. This switch will be made by us after upgrade.
Corrected an issue where certain fields of the the referring doctor information were not updated after changing to another doctor.
Bugs corrected in Treatment component
Corrected a bug where a new treatment was not marked with "EXT" when an external sperm donor was used.
Correction of a bug showing the wrong ET-day of a thawed embryo.
Fixed a bug where you were unable to add scanned documents for research consents (accessible via variants of module TREATM_Stim_HistoryBaseData to participate in study).
When an oocyte in cryo storage was thawed, fertilized and re-frozen, a couple of storage fields contained the value used in oocyte cryo. This has been corrected.
Fixed a bug where converting a LowStim-treatment to IUI caused the "IUI" navigation button to not be visible.
For Swedish clinics using donated sperm, the calculation of "on going pregnancies" for the donor was incorrect in some cases for (very) old treatments.
Added a condition to only allow setting the OPU date when the ET date is empty.
Bugs corrected in Sperm analysis
Correction of a grey dot appearing in the module Dilution calculator
Corrected an issue where the sperm analysis was not converted from OPU to IUI when the treatment was converted.
Corrected a bug where it was impossible to create a new ToDo from a sperm analysis.
Bug corrections in other areas
Tissue Transport: corrected a bug where exporting an oocyte that had previously been imported caused the export to have an invalid transport code.
Batch Control: fixed an issue where the add record button for batches and articles was showing inactive.
Letters: Fixed a bug where the window for choosing the recipient doctor of a letter would not close properly.
Week Plan: Fixed a bug where the weeks around New Year would not get the correct number in WeekPlan.
Affiliated to LinnéFiler: corrected a bug where sometimes the system could not connect properly to the external file ClinicLogic.
Affiliated to LinnéFiler integration to demographic database: correction of a bug where the national ID number was sent in the wrong format.