Print all information about articles and their specific batches used in a treatment from v. 5.2.


Print label (EN)Print nameAlso on screenDescription
> name which will appear on the print button> name which has to be used in Print codes> shows other screens where layout is available> can show further information

Print names for work screen Batch control > List

Print label (EN)Print nameAlso on screenDescription
Article ListBAT.BATCH_ArticleListAvailable from v5.2 onwards.
Batch ListBAT.BATCH_BatchListAvailabel from v5.2 onwards.

Print names for work screen Batch control > Details

Print label (EN)Print nameAlso on screenDescription
Article DetailsBAT.BATCH_ArticleDetailAvailable from v5.2 onwards.
Batch DetailsBAT.BATCH_BatchDetailAvailable from v5.2 onwards.
Batch, related treatmentsBAT.BATCH_RelatedTreatmentsAvailable from v5.2 onwards.
Batch, related oocytes/embryosBAT.BATCH_RelatedEmbryosAvailable from v5.2 onwards.