Fields with batch trace
Catheters, Media and EmbryoGlue used during Embryo Transfer (ET) will now be traced using the Batch component and the Batchtrace resource.
Freeze Media and Straw Types will now be traced if the Batch component and Batchtrace resource is configured.
"OPU Medium" and "Thaw Media" used will now be traced if the "Batch component" and "Batchtrace" resource are configured. The resource "TREATM_THAW_Cultivation" has to be configured in order to record the OPU Medium.
Interface changes Batch control
Article work screen
On top above the portal you will find a summary of amount of treatments, amount of positive preg. tests and the % rate of it.
Next to the Batch ID you find a ">" button, which will lead you directly to the detail work screen of the specific batch.
The display button on the top right will lead you to a list of all batches connected to the article.
Batch work screen
A ">" button leads from the batch work screen directly to the article work screen, where all batches of the specific article are listed.
Functionality of creating new batches was improved by adding a button to add a new batch directly from the article layout. For more information visit Improved Batch Workflow of release 5.3.